Thursday, August 15, 2013

Up Pops The Devil

The 2013-2014 Job Market is upon us! A hearty welcome back to some, warm greetings to others, and condolences to all. Let us hope that this year's market continues the slight improvement we saw last year.

This site, now in its seventh year, was originally modeled after the successful sociology job search "blog" (the 2008-2009 iteration of which can be found here). Other disciplines have started following suit, and can themselves serve as both positive and negative exempla for us in Classics, Archaeology, and Ancient History. Links on the side of this page point to various articles and sites relevant to the academic job-hunting process and experience. If you run across others, please suggest them in the comments and we will add them. Threads below will provide a full season's worth of comments around various themes. Previous years' comments are all archived. And of course there is the ever-present and all-knowing Classics Wiki

In order to access the wiki you must be a member, so an account has been established which everybody can use, anonymously. The log-in email is:

The password is the first phrase commented upon by Austin in his Little Red Oxford commentary on the sixth book. Enter this two word phrase as oneword. If you would prefer to open a WikiDot account of your own, and would like access to the Classics Wiki hosted there, the password to gain access is the same.

We experienced a very frustrating rash of wiki vandalism in 2009, which is why we have had to resort to a less-than-open site for our wiki. Apologies for making you go through this step, but it has proven to be worth the hassle.
In order to encourage as many voices as possible this site will be completely driven by the comments sections. It will only be as useful (and civilized) as you all make it. We would suggest that you sign up for a Blogger ID so that you can edit your comments (and later delete them if need arises) and so that people will be able to respond to your anonymous online persona rather than a series of "anonymous" posts. Just a thought.

Do not list names on this site.
As hires are announced in the spring and summer the wiki will be filled in by those made offers, and who are willing to post such information on the wiki. Any comments which reveal names, directly or indirectly by posting TMI will be deleted post-haste.
Most importantly, please, please, please maintain a supportive and helpful environment! Applicants and Search Committees are all in this together, even though it often does not feel that way. This process is brutal enough without exacerbating it by impugning the methods and motives of others. Remember, we are all present and future colleagues. Let's live up to our not so recent reputation (scroll down about a third of the way) as model academic citizens!

This space was created as a way for information sharing, not as a platform for launching unsubstantiated and slanderous rumors. Humor is good. Good-natured kvetching is good. Helping each other out with tips is great, and getting well-informed and well-intentioned advice from those who have gone through this wringer is truly awesome. We can all learn a great deal from each other, applicants and non-applicants alike, but only if we strive to maintain a thoughtful and graceful conversation. We should continue to discuss difficult and challenging topics, but let us try to do so in a way that shows respect for our audience and a humble regard for our own place within it!


In bocca al lupo, Quirites!


Unknown said...

wonderful Job you had done when you feel stress in work vist my blog What is stress?

Stress is described as "a state manifested by a specific syndrome which consists of all the non-specifically induced changes with in a biological system"

Stress is that any condition that harms the body or damages or causes the death of a few or many cells.The body tries to repair the damaged cells but if the diet is inadequate the rebuilding of cells is not able to keep pace with their destruction,it leads to diseases.

The common diseases due to stress are

Heart diseases,Diabetes,Headache,peptic ulcer,ulcerative colitis,chronic dyspepsia,asthma,psoriasis,and sexual disorders.

Symptoms of stress

The body and mind are react to stress,many physical changes take place at the time of stress induced arousal.The brain and nervous system become intensely active,pupils of the eye dilate,digestion slows down,muscles becomes tense,the heart starts pumping blood harder and faster,blood pressure increases,breathing becomes faster,hormones such as adrenaline are released into the system along with glucose from the liver and sweating starts.All these changes take place in a fraction of seconds.If the stress factors are removed all the changes are reversed and no harm accrues.
- See more at:

Anonymous said...

Oh Wiki, odi et amo, but the job season is starting and we need you now.

Sophie Grace said...

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