Monday, January 1, 2007

... And There Was Much Rejoicing

Whether announcing a job offered, or a job accepted, feel free to let the world (or at least the few hundred readers of this blog) know. Once again, please don't name names, even your own.

The Long, Twilight Struggle...

... or Spring Hopes Eternal.

This thread is devoted to questions, answers and updates regarding jobs which have post-APA deadlines.

Fly the Friendly Skies

Please post updates, comments, and questions related to "fly-outs" and other such things related to campus visits.

Elysian Fields Forever

No one, I think, is in my tree
I mean, it must be high or low
That is, you cant, you know, tune in, but its alright
That is, I think its not too bad

This section is devoted to those of us who have shuffled off this mortal coil, seen the light, and are now exploring options with McKinsey Co., Bain & Co., et al.

In all seriousness, please post here if you are interested in learning more about non-academic careers for classicists, or if you can point to resources, contacts, and ideas for those who are contemplating such a move.

Interviewing Advice, Tips and Experiences

Chicago, Chicago...

First rule: Don't Jaywalk!

Questions, Answers and such regarding the APA/AIA, the Site, and the City

Random Scuttlebutt About This Year's Market

Questions, Answers, and random thoughts about the job-seeking experience.

Job Search Updates

Until we figure out how to deal most effectively with the wiki vandalism, feel free to provide updates in the comments here.

A new wiki has also been established. See the post above for directions and password.

In your comment please note exactly which position(s) you are updating, if possible just cut and paste from the job-search page.

Professional Developments

Given the thread begun in the Job Search Updates section about questions of specialization, as well as professional and departmental expectations (and in light of more than a few reactions, both posted and emailed, towards what was designed to be an inclusive and yet secure password process), it seems like a forum to discuss broader issues within the fields represented by the APA and AIA is a (dare I use this word? :-) desideratum.

Here it is.

Past Performance...

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics:

Hiring and Applicant Data from 2006-2007

See the latter half of the classics wiki for the most up-to-date information regarding last-year's placement on an institution by institution basis.

This is a less-frequently-updated list for the same.

Paper Clips vs. Staples

Because one can never be too careful

Questions, Answers and such regarding the assembly of dossiers, mailing practices, letters of application, etc.

A couple of sometimes useful, and always entertaining, sites to check out are the Chronicle of Higher Education's Fora:

The Job Seeking Experience

The Interview Process

The threads are often not apposite, but they can be a treasure-trove of laughs and morale boosts.

Hopefully the comments section here will eventually provide more APA/AIA-specific help.